Full Professor of Ecology
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB),
Politecnico di Milano, Via Ponzio 34/5, 20133 Milano, Italy
e-mail: renato dot casagrandi at polimi dot it, tel: +39 02 2399.3471 (fax 3412)
Ph.D. in Ecology (UniPR, 1999), MSc in Electronic Engineering (1996, PoliMI)
ORCID: 0000-0001-5177-803X, ResearchGate, GoogleScholar
I currently serve as Full Professor of Ecology the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi) since 2016.
After a postdoc (2000) with Simon Levin at the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) of the Princeton University, I joined the DEIB first as Research Associate (2001-2002), then as Assistant Professor (2003-2006) and Associate Professor (2006-2016). I participated to many national and international research projects and I've been Visiting Scholar in various international research centers. As undergraduate student (1993) and graduate student (1997) I visited the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria, as Researcher (2001-2002) the EEB at Princeton University, and as Scholar (2007) at the Institute for Advanced Studies of Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
I graduated in Electronic Engineering (Politecnico di Milano, PoliMi, 1996) discussing a master thesis on forest fire regimes (mentor: Sergio Rinaldi) that was awarded the Italgas Prize "Idee per il futuro" (now called Debut in Research - Eni Award) as the best MSc dissertation on Environment and Energy. Under the guidance of Marino Gatto, I obtained a PhD degree in Ecology (University of Parma, 1999) with a thesis on Models for Metapopulations, part of which has been published in Nature.
For more information, see an extended version of my CV.
My research interests are in the wide area of population biology. I study in particular the spatiotemporal dynamics of species living in both homogeneous and heterogeneous landscapes with the aim of understanding the patterns generated by their movement. I'm also fascinated by the puzzling complexities that emerge in epidemiological problems, especially when the infectious material propagating through agents follows non-standard transmission paths.
Last publications
- Jahnke M., Casagrandi R., Melià P., Schiavina M., Schultz S. T., Zane L., Procaccini G. (2017) Potential and realized connectivity of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica and their implication for conservation Diversity and Distributions, 23: 1423. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12633
- Mari L., Casagrandi R., Rinaldo A., Gatto M. (2017) A generalized definition of reactivity for ecological systems and the problem of transient species dynamics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 1574. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12805
- Ciddio M., Mari L., Sokolow S. H., De Leo G. A., Casagrandi R., Gatto M. (2017) The spatial spread of schistosomiasis: A multidimensional network model applied to Saint-Louis region, Senegal. Advances in Water Resources, 108: 406. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.10.012
- Mari L., Ciddio M., Casagrandi R., Perez-Saez J., Bertuzzo E., Rinaldo A., Sokolow S. H., De Leo G. A., Gatto M. (2017) Heterogeneity in schistosomiasis transmission dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 432: 87. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2017.08.015
- Paterno M., Schiavina M., Aglieri G., Ben Souissi J., Boscari E., Casagrandi R., Chassanite A., Chiantore M., Congiu L., Guarnieri G., Kruschel C., Macic V., and Marino I. A. M., Papetti C., Patarnello T., Zane L. and Melià P. (2017) Population genomics meet Lagrangian simulations: Oceanographic patterns and long larval duration ensure connectivity among Paracentrotus lividus populations in the Adriatic and Ionian seas. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 2463. doi: dx.doi.org/10.1002/ece3.2844.
- Mari L., Bonaventura L., Storto A., Melià P., Gatto M., Masina S. and Casagrandi R. (2017) Understanding large-scale, long-term larval connectivity patterns: The case of the Northern Line Islands in the Central Pacific Ocean. PLoS ONE, 12: e0182681. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182681.
- White T. D., Carlisle A. B., Kroodsma D. A., Block B. A., Casagrandi R., De Leo G. A., Gatto M., Micheli F., and McCauley D. J. (2017) Assessing the effectiveness of a large marine protected area for reef shark conservation. Biological Conservation, 207: 64. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182681
- Mari L., Gatto M., Ciddio M., Dia E. D., Sokolow S. H., De Leo, G. A. and Casagrandi R. (2017) Big data-driven modeling unveils country-wide drivers of endemic schistosomiasis. Scientific Reports, 7: 489. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-00493-1.
Previous selected publications
- Melià P., Schiavina M., Rossetto M., Gatto M., Fraschetti S. and Casagrandi R. (2016) Looking for hotspots of marine metacommunity connectivity: a methodological framework. Scientific Reports,, 6: 23705. doi: 10.1038/srep23705
- Piccardi C., Colombo A., Casagrandi R. (2015) Connectivity interplays with age in shaping contagion over networks with vital dynamics. Physical Review E, 91: 022809. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.91.022809.
- Mari L., Casagrandi R., Bertuzzo E., Rinaldo A., Gatto M. (2014) Metapopulation persistence and species spread in river networks. Ecology Letters, 17: 426. doi: 10.1111/ele.12242.
- Melià P., Schiavina M., Gatto M., Bonaventura L., Masina S., Casagrandi R. (2013) Integrating field data into individual-based models of the migration of European eel larvae.Marine Ecology Progress Series, 487: 135. doi: 10.3354/meps10368
- Gatto M., Mari L., Bertuzzo E., Casagrandi R., Righetto L., Rodriguez-Iturbe I., Rinaldo A. (2012) Generalized reproduction numbers and the prediction of patterns in waterborne disease. PNAS, 109: 19703. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1217567109
- Rinaldo A., Bertuzzo E., Mari L., Righetto L., Blokesch M., Gatto M., Casagrandi R., Murray M., Vesenbeckh S.M., Rodriguez-Iturbe I. (2012) Reassessment of the 2010-2011 Haiti cholera outbreak and rainfall-driven multiseason projections.
PNAS, 109: 6602-6607doi: 10.1073/pnas.1203333109 - Mari L., Bertuzzo E., Casagrandi R., Gatto M., Levin S.A., Rodriguez-Iturbe I. and Rinaldo, A. (2011). Hydrologic controls and anthropogenic drivers of the zebra mussel invasion of the Mississippi-Missouri river system. Water Resources Research 47: W03523. doi: 10.1029/2010WR009920.
- Bertuzzo E., Casagrandi R., Gatto M., Rodriguez-Iturbe I. and Rinaldo, A. (2010) On spatially explicit models of cholera epidemics. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 7: 321. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2009.0204
- Piccardi C., Casagrandi R. (2008) Inefficient epidemic spreading in scale-free networks. Physical Review E, 77: 026113. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.026113.
- Holyoak M., Casagrandi R., Nathan R., Revilla E., Spiegel O. (2008) Trends and missing parts in the study of movement ecology. PNAS, 105: 19060. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0800483105.
- Casagrandi R., Mari L., Gatto M. (2007) Modelling the local dynamics of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). Freshwater Biology, 52: 1223. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2007.01761.x.
- Casagrandi R., Bolzoni L., Levin S. A. and Andreasen V. (2006) The SIRC model and influenza A. Mathematical Biosciences 200: 152. doi: 10.1016/j.mbs.2005.12.029
- Nathan R. and Casagrandi R. (2004) A simple mechanistic model of seed dispersal, predation and plant establishment: Janzen-Connell and beyond. Journal of Ecology, 92: 733. doi: 10.1111/j.0022-0477.2004.00914.x
- Lin J., Andreasen V., Casagrandi R., Levin S.A. (2003) Traveling waves in a model of influenza A drift. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 222: 437. doi: 10.1016/S0022-5193(03)00056-0.
- Casagrandi R., Rinaldi S. (2002) A theoretical approach to tourism sustainability. Ecology and Society, 6: art13. doi: 10.5751/ES-00384-060113.
- Casagrandi R. and Gatto M. (2002) Habitat destruction, environmental catastrophes and metapopulation extinction. Theoretical Population Biology 61: 127. doi: 10.1006/tpbi.2001.1559
- Rinaldi S., M. Candaten, and R. Casagrandi (2001) Evidence of peak-to-peak dynamics in ecology. Ecology Letters 4: 610. doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2001.00273.x
- Norberg J., D. Swaney, J. Dushoff, J. Lin, R. Casagrandi and S. A. Levin (2001) Phenotypic diversity and ecosystem functioning in changing environments: A theoretical framework. PNAS 98: 11376. doi: 10.1073/pnas.171315998
- Casagrandi R. and M. Gatto (1999) A mesoscale approach to extinction risk in fragmented habitats. Nature 400: 560. doi: 10.1038/23020
- Casagrandi R., Rinaldi S. (1999) A minimal model for forest fire regimes. American Naturalist, 153: 527. doi: 10.1086/303194
My courses for the current academic year are:
- Ecologia
Laurea degree in Environmental Engineering (8 credits), SSD BIO/07
(from A.A. 2000/01 to 2009/10 in Como and from 2010/11 - to date in Milano Leonardo) - Ecologia Urbana
Laurea degree in Urban Planning: Cities, Environment & Landscapes (4 credits), SSD BIO/07 (from 2016/17 - to date in Milano Leonardo)
Previous courses are listed in my institutional web page or in my cv